GSM-THE CELLULAR STRUCTURE


In a cellular system, the covering area of an operator is divided into cells. A cell corresponds to the covering area of one transmitter or a small collection of transmitters. The size of a cell is determined by the transmitter's power.

The concept of cellular systems is the use of low power transmitters in order to enable the efficient reuse of the frequencies. In fact, if the transmitters used are very powerful, the frequencies cannot be reused for hundred of kilometers as they are limited to the covering area of the transmitter.

The frequency band allocated to a cellular mobile radio system is distributed over a group of cells and this distribution is repeated in all the covering area of an operator. The whole number of radio channels available can then be used in each group of cells that form the covering area of an operator. Frequencies used in a cell will be reused several cells away. The distance between the cells using the same frequency must be sufficient to avoid interference. The frequency reuse will increase considerably the capacity in number of users.

In order to work properly, a cellular system must verify the following two main conditions:

The power level of a transmitter within a single cell must be limited in order to reduce the interference with the transmitters of neighboring cells. The interference will not impact upon the system if a distance of about 2.5 to 3 times the diameter of a cell is reserved between transmitters. The receiver filters must also be very preferment.

Neighboring cells cannot share the same channels. In order to reduce the interference, the frequencies must be reused only within a certain pattern. 


The cells are grouped into clusters. The number of cells in a cluster must be determined so that the cluster can be repeated continuously within the covering area of a Network Operator. The typical clusters contain 4, 7, 12 or 21 cells. The number of cells in each cluster is very important. The smaller the number of cells per cluster is, the bigger the number of channels per cell will be. The capacity of each cell will be therefore increased. However a balance must be found in order to avoid the interference that could occur between neighboring clusters. This interference is produced by the small size of the clusters (the size of the cluster is defined by the number of cells per cluster). The total number of channels per cell depends on the number of available channels and the type of cluster used.



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